Coffee House Rabbi, Inc. is a non-profit corporation providing spiritual and educational services to the Palm Springs community through semi-monthly group meetings and special events. The meetings are presentation and discussion-based and are rooted in Jewish scriptures as a source of information and inspiration. The biblical references are contemporized using recent history, current events and modern-day life experiences.

Coffee House Rabbi was founded by, and is run by, Rabbi Sally Olins who is also known as “The People’s Rabbi”. These free meetings are now held via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

Coffee House Rabbi meetings are attended by Jews and non-Jews, older and younger, male and female, straight and LGBTQ, and people from all walks of life!

COFFEE HOUSE RABBI, INC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
Your donation may be tax deductible - please consult your tax professional.

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Join Rabbi Sally Olins for coffee and conversation!

Let's talk about...

  • Truth & Perception
  • Inspiration & Motivation
  • Community & Consciousness
  • Faith & Guidance

Rabbi Sally's Blog

A Prayer for Receiving the COVID Vaccine

by Rabbi Naomi Levy

I have been praying for this day and now it is here!
With great excitement, a touch of trepidation
And with deep gratitude
I give thanks
To all the scientists who toiled day and night
So that I might receive this tiny vaccination
That will protect me and all souls around this world.
With the pandemic still raging
I am blessed to do my part to defeat it.
Let this be the beginning of a new day,
A new time of hope, of joy, of freedom
And most of all, of health.
I thank You, God, for blessing me with life
For sustaining my life
And for enabling me to reach this awe-filled moment.


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Rabbi Sally - The People's Rabbi